Pink Apple Short Film Award
Pink Apple Award 2007
The Swiss gay and lesbian film festival Pink Apple is proud to announce its Short Film Award. The Pink Apple Award is a cash prize of 2000 Swiss Francs. The Pink Apple jury will select the winner from a shortlist of preselected finalists. The festival takes place at the beginning of May in the Swiss cities of Zurich und Frauenfeld.
The competition is open to films and videos under 30 minutes in length produced since 2005 about gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender issues. To submit entry, please send a preview copy (VHS/DVD) together with the submission form to Pink Apple Filmfestival. The arrival deadline for submission is 1st of March 2007. If you are interested in participating, plese download the Submission form (PDF). For detailed informations, please read our regulations for participation.
Pink Apple was founded in 1997 as a Swiss queer film festival. In 2007 it takes place for the 10th time.
Regulations for participationPink Apple Short Film Award - Pink Apple Award 2007
1. Eligibility of Films
Films eligible for the contest in 2007 must conform the following rules:
a) Films must have a gay, lesbian, bisexual or transcender content
b) Films must have been produced after 01 January 2005
c) Films must not exceed a running time of 30 minutes
d) Priority for entry will be given to films receiving their Swiss premiere at the festival
2. Entries, Selection Print, Festival Print
Entries can be accepted only if they include both the completed entry form (downloadable from and a selection print (DVD/VHS). Arrival deadline for entries is the 01 March 2007. Participants will be informed beginning of April about the final selection. Selected prints (festival print, see entry form) have to arrive in Zurich on 25 April 2007 latest.
4. Costs
The costs of transport, including customes fees, insurance of all prints, tapes or screeners offered for selection, must be borne by the producers or responsible authorities. Screeners will not be returned. We do not charge either an entry or a projection fee.
5. Responsibility of the Festival
In case of damage or loss of a print, either during the selection process or at the festival itself, the festival is only responsible for the costs involved in making a new print according to the current laboratory rates for ordering a standard print.
6. Documentation
For each film selected, the festival must receive detailed documentation witby the deadline. This should include a synopsis of the film, a complete filmography of the director and of the leading actors and a selection of stills from the film.
7. Programming
The programming of the selected films is entirely at the discretion of the festival which decision is non-debatable. Each film may be screened several times during the festival.
8. Obligations after Selection
After its publication no film selected may be withdrawn from the festival programme or may be screened in Switzerland before the festival ends.
9. Jury
To select winner of the Pink Apple Award (a cash prize of 2000 Swiss Francs), the festival will appoint the members of the jury. Jury decisions will be taken on an absolute majority, or, failing that, by a relative majority reached by a third ballot. Jury members are sworn to secrecy. Jury discussions and ballots will remain strictly confidential even after the festival has ended.
10. Promotion of the Awards
By participating in the competition, the award winners and their production and distribution companies are expected to mention, nationally as well as internationally, on their publicity and promotional material the title of the award as announced at the prize-giving together, with the official festival logo. This is also expected if the film is released on video.
11. Right of Participation
Participation in the festival implies adherence to the regulations herein. It is the responsibility of producers, distributors, or other organizations submitting a film to ensure that they are legitimately entitled to enter a film in the festival.
The festival reserves the right to settle all cases unforeseen in the regulations of participation, as well as to permit exceptions from the regulations in special, well founded cases.
18 April 2006
Pink Apple Filmfestival
Postfach 264
8024 Zürich